Khaatumo State

Connect with our health team

Connect with our

health team

As a health team member, you will have the opportunity to meet and collaborate with a variety of professionals, including nurses, physicians, administrators, public health experts, dietary specialists, physical therapists, and other healthcare providers. You will also have the chance to attend conferences and seminars to stay up to date on the latest trends and developments in healthcare. Additionally, you may have the opportunity to network with other professionals in the field and learn from their expertise.



The following form is intended to capture skills that are relevant to Khaatumo Global.
This form will be posted in a central database accessible to Khaatumo state
technologies. Get connected to the Khaatomo skills forum 2023

    Thank You

    It was great to have the opportunity to hear from you and other professionals around the world. We will continue to provide forums like this in the future to help facilitate learning and networking.